Image of a crockpot

The slow cooker is one of the greatest inventions ever. Dump your ingredients in before work and come home to the house smelling like pot roast. What’s better than that? Though the crockpot is great for making time-saving...

Pic of mom with shaving cream on sunburn.

People love to rag on home remedies, but the truth is that many of them work. From bug bites to sore throats, many minor ailments can be treated with things you already have at home. So, why spend the money going to the doc? Or...

grass Clorox hack

Here at TipHero, we’re pretty much obsessed with enlightening you on all of the ways you can stretch your dollar. Of course, there are plenty of things that you can do to save a buck, from downloading digital coupons to...

Image of water running down a garbage disposal

We get it, cleaning isn’t the most fun of chores. It takes up so much time, requires entirely too much effort, and, let’s face it, we’d rather be doing a lot other fun things! But alas, it has to be done. We’re guessing...

Image of someone pouring chemicals down drain to unclog

Everyone’s drains get clogged (yes, even Beyoncé’s). It’s just the nature of life—whether it’s too much gunk in the bathroom sink, a string of hair in the shower drain, or food particles in the kitchen sink. You know...

pans in soapy water

While there are many lovely people out here who love to clean and find the task to be fulfilling or therapeutic, others among us need motivation. We also appreciate a good shortcut or two. But there is the realization that some...